Current Whereabouts: Deceased (Maybe…)

Ethnicity: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Favorite Food: Clown

PETT Ranking: Pretty High Up

Weapon(s) of Choice: Always Something Different…

Known Special Skills: Not Technically a Skill but there are a LOT of his Mini-Me’s that keep popping up all over the place

About: Mr. X is like a damn cockroach! No matter how many times you kill him another one pops up… That would be, all his mimics (others that look like him and do his bidding and there are hundreds or thousands of them, damnit!). Billy Boy “suicided” Mr. X but maybe not… Guess we’ll all have to wait and see what happens… In the meantime, Billy Boy has taken at least one Mr. X mask for himself and use it in his many faces arsenal.

Mr. X


The Smiley Brigade