Fenix Klown

Current Whereabouts: UK

Ethnicity: British

Age: 20’s

Favorite Food: Cotton Candy

PETT Ranking: Level 5

Weapon(s) of Choice: Camera

Known Special Skills: Can sneak into pretty much any area without detection. Great at hacking and coding even the most complex security systems.

Fenix Klown (formerly known as Sarah Thompson, a British teenager), was utterly obsessed with clown culture. Her bedroom walls were plastered with posters of iconic clowns, and she spent every spare moment blogging about the latest trends in clown fashion and makeup. While her peers were engrossed in social media drama, Sarah was busy dissecting the symbolism behind each clown's costume.

One fateful day, as Sarah was deep in the throes of her latest blog post, she received a cryptic message from an anonymous sender. The message contained a series of impossible tasks, each one more bizarre than the last. From filming surreptitious footage of unsuspecting pedestrians to crafting elaborate propaganda for the enigmatic Klown Kartel, Sarah found herself drawn into a world she had only ever dreamed of.

Despite her initial skepticism, Sarah soon found herself captivated by the clandestine allure of the Kartel. She threw herself into the tasks with reckless abandon, relishing the thrill of being part of something bigger than herself.

The Kartel's leaders saw potential in her unconventional skills and approached her with an offer she couldn't refuse: become the Kartel's official spokesperson, narrating all their content and training content in which she accepted with little thought.


Klaudius Killer Klown